Saturday, March 14, 2009

Seemingly, it never ends...

...the editing, that is; it just never seems to end. Editing a book is like peeling away the layers of an onion and in a way, it is similar. Fortunately, my printer (and editor) are possessed of infinite patience (more than me at times). Today, I/we finished the fourth edit of the manuscript at the office of the printer. A finished copy will be mailed to us and we will comb it for any missed errors. There should be few to none. We've distilled it down to the final liquor so to speak. This is my fault; being a newbie, I was indulgent of sophomoric colloquialisms and punctuations that soon became glaring amateurisms that offended even me. LOL. Live and learn. Fortunately my wife is a fierce editor who will take no prisoners. Perfection isn't even a consideration; but a readable book with no glaring mistakes is an attainable goal. That is all I expect. That is what I strive for. So, no more statements of future deadlines; only an announcement of a finished, published, copy in my hand: Coming soon. EOM.

There is no place to rest...

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